Unlocking the Secrets of Bespoke and RelaxYang: Your Ultimate FAQ Guide to Personalized Luxury and Comfort – Everything You Need to Know About Tailored Services, From Custom-Made Experiences to Enhanced Relaxation Techniques.

Payment for Renata's treatment?

Payment for Renata’s treatment is required in full upon invoice due date. After the invoice’s payment, you will receive an email with a confirmation of your booking

Booking confirmation?

Bookings are not confirmed until a deposit payment has been made. A booking will not be held without a deposit payment.

What if I need to cancel or reschedule my appointment?

If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment without incurring a charge, we require at LEAST 48 hours notice on email booking@rkntherapist.com. Appointments being cancelled or rescheduled within 48 hours of the appointment time will be liable to a late cancellation charge. The charge will be the full fee of the appointment being cancelled or rescheduled.

Can you eat before having treatment?

It’s best not to have treatment on an empty stomach, so eat before if you’re hungry, but don’t eat a heavy meal.

Can I eat after having acupuncture?

Yes, you can eat after your treatment.

How often should you have acupuncture treatment?

It depends upon what is being treated. Having acupuncture once a month might not be enough to help with your health problems. It is recommended to have acupuncture weekly or every 3-4 days if the problem is acute.

What are the side effects of acupuncture?

The most common side effects of Acupuncture are:
– drowsiness occurs after treatment in a small number of patients, and, if affected, you are advised not to drive

– minor bleeding or bruising occurs after treatment in about 3% of treatments

– pain during treatment occurs in about 1% of treatments

– existing symptoms can get worse after treatment (less than 3% of patients)

– fainting can occur in certain patients, particularly at the first treatment.

Is acupuncture painful?

Acupuncture needles are nothing like hypodermic needles. They are generally very fine and solid. Most people will not even know that the needles have been inserted. Sometimes little discomfort with a mild tingle or dull ache may be felt when the Acupuncture point is reached, but it won´t last more than a few seconds.

Does Acupuncture feel good?

Yes, acupuncture feels good! Many people feel deeply relaxed during the Acupuncture Treatment, and some fall asleep during treatment.

If the patient has severe needle phobia, plenty of alternatives and other therapies can be utilised to stimulate the acupuncture points to good effect without needles.

I am pregnant, can i have acupuncture treatment?

Yes, absolutely. It’s vital to advise the practitioner if pregnant. Acupuncture can help with symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, insomnia, anxiety, headaches.

Why not brush your tongue before an acupuncture session?

Your acupuncturist will examine your tongue to help make a diagnosis. Its shape, color, and coating are all taken into account. For this reason, it is best not to have colorful sweets/drinks or brush your tongue before treatment.

Can I drink coffee before my acupuncture session?

Avoid caffeine before and after your appointment. Also, keep away from alcohol and drugs of any kind before and after your appointment.

What is the first session like?

First of all, you might be asked questions about your health, lifestyle, your concerns, and certainly about the parts of your body that are the most painful. The practitioner may also examine the color and shape of your tongue, the color of your face, and the strength of your pulse. After that, your practitioner will ask you to lay down and relax. The treatment will start.

Should I turn my phone off?

Turn off your phone. Your treatment time is an important moment where you can shut the world out and focus on yourself.

Other things I can do after an acupuncture session?

Resting and taking it easy, Keeping your body warm, Avoiding heavy physical activity, Getting enough sleep, Eating healthy, and Drinking plenty of water.




